Jan 12, 2009

SketchCrawl 21

This weekend I went drawing for the entire day as part of the SketchCrawl. It was my first time participating, and it turned out to be a lot of fun. After drawing in a series of interesting neighbourhoods, everyone met up at the end of the day in a Cafe to share what they have sketched. It was really cool to see every one's approaches and styles! Also, we couldnt ask for a nicer day; it was 20C, sunny, and we were in t-shirts in mid January (still weird for me). Here is my stuff from the day: (We were in Haight District, and Golden Gate Park)

this guy was real! He had what looked like a black band-aid across his cheeks and nose! (Maybe it was a tattoo) Cant wait for the next Sketchcrawl in April.

Jan 6, 2009

winter pictures

1/2 a meter tall sand barrier..looks big, no?
Local Venice beach parrot at the cafe.

My governor...how cool is that?
Frozone being forced to sign a Beauty and the Beast book at Disneyland. I dont know why he's smiling?
There is nothing between Los Angeles and San Francisco.
A forgotten onion starts growing. Currently the only plant at my place...Across the street is the bedroom to one of many Berkeley homeless hippies. Arround him is brand new graffiti!

A cop makes a report of the new art.
Another view from the appartment. Downtown SF at the horrizon.
Shoes hanging on the powerline. I've heard different stories as to what that means.
Desk at work.
More posts to come soon: I've been drawing :)
Happy new year!