(a couple of pics that I found online from friday:)

We were there for about 3-4 hours just sketching, taking breaks once in a while.

The music varied from a live humming/singing performance to a chill down-tempo that a couple of DJ's were spinning for out delight. So with that said, I have no camera (lost or berried in my room somewhere) nor a scanner the the moment...Well not true, I've got the laptop webcam.. so 1 snapshot for now.... and later in the week I'll scan in the rest and update this very post. deal? cool. Here is a drawing of the DJs:
(more drawings to be scanned later)...

I missed the final (12am..., wtf?) bart subway back home, so ended up crashing at cliff's. We had decided to join the Sketchcrawl group the next day.
Saturday: We thought it would rain all day, yet after getting some In-n-Out for breakfast (hey! no judging) and solid double shot latte from Blue Bottle the clouds started to look friendly in a poetic sort of way letting in much sunlight. The meet up was at a wonderful low key area called the Dog Patch, which is from the looks of it a semi abandoned port area with a cool mix of boat clubs, ship fixing areas, waterfront bars and restaurants, various rusty boats here and there, and some day time offices in lofts, old unused port buildings and cranes that are partially decorated by graffiti (again, i dont know where my camera is, so here are the words,,,) Anyways, maybe 12-20 people showed up to sketch in the area! Super day! Snapshot 2:
(more scans commin)
No drawing tomorrow though. Canada vs. USA gold medal hockey game. yeah! (in case you are wondering, yes I was in favor of the russian team...But that was earlier... Go CANADA!
Cool post but...YA CANADA!!!!
Go Canada indeed! Great stuff, great writing, and looking forward to your scans man.
That blue bottle comment was to make me jealous...wasn't it!
No deep. Im setting up the fact that there will be a drawing from there!
at least you have tim hortons. you dont know what its like to live in a place without it for so long hehe
really interesting stuff!
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