May 3, 2006


Something I had developed for one of those CG Networks (now called CG Society) contests. It was the MachineFlesh contest which required a character to be a blend of organic and machine. So I thought it would be pretty cool to fuse an elephant and a stork. Although I didn't go ahead with the challenge, I ended up doing a large charcoal illustration of this thing during the summer after first year.

1 comment:

Frenchie Pants said...

Look Vlad (is it ok if i call you Vlad?) . I got here by fluke, i saw you want feedback, there goes:what's up with you Sheridan people?Every time i see crasy illustration on blogger(ok, not EVERY but ALOT of )they're from your school. you kick my french butt, you and your little friend in your canadian school. I draw too and you humble me. there. comment.